my photo

Mikanovich Katsyaryna


  • Adress: Ozheshko st, 29-26, Grodno, Belarus
  • Phone number: 375(29)1112129
  • E-mail:
  • Linkedln: Katsiryna Mikanovich
  • Telegram: @MikanovKatya
  • GitHub: KatyaMikanov

About me

I have strong technical skills and excellent interpersonal skills. I am hardworking and ambitious individual. I am currently looking for an opportunity to utilise my technical skills in a challenging working environment and become a valuable asset to an organisation.


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. VSCode
  5. Version control: Git, GitHub

Code example

This is funny lottery with short advices. Let's check what will be good for you!

var goodAdvices = [', don't forget the umbrella', ', buy Tesla shares', 
', turn off the iron', ', follow your dream'];
var name = prompt ('What is your name?');
var adviceForYou = goodAdvices [Math.floor (Math.random (goodAdvices)*4)];
window.alert (name+adviceForYou);


Brest State Technical University (2007-2012)

Faculty of Civil Engineering


  • Concept engineer (2012-2017)
  • Valuer (since 2017)


  1. Belarussian (C1, native language)
  2. Russian (C1)
  3. English (B1)
  4. Polish (A2)